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Student Employees 2023-11-13T15:24:55+00:00

Student Employees

Campus Employment

On campus employment is beneficial both financially and professionally. Students can work on campus, part time (up to 19 hours per week) through General Fund, Work Study, or as a volunteer/intern. For any off campus jobs, please check out our Instagram page!

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Student Employee Manual
Submit Time Sheet

Things you should know

  • Time sheets: can be accessed through your ctcLink account under the HCM tab. The Time tile will be used for all Hourly and Student Employees to Report and Submit Time.
  • Instructions to submit Social Security Number to Registration.
  • Payday Schedule Employees are paid on the 10th and 25th, or the closest banking day, of each month though a mailed check or direct deposit. Student employees may qualify for a free account through one of the local banks or through School Employees Credit Union.
  • Earnings History can be monitored online in your ctcLink account, for more information contact Human Resources.
  • Cooperative Education/Volunteer opportunities are arranged directly with your faculty advisor. Students wishing to do an internship through Co-op need to complete all of the necessary paperwork before starting their hours.
  • ALL Volunteers and Interns must complete a Volunteer Action Form with their supervisor and return it to Human Resources, in Building 12.
  • Student Employee Health Care information: Please refer to the Information Sheet or contact Human Resources with any questions.