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New Hire Paperwork 2024-09-23T14:36:14+00:00

New Hire Paperwork

Work Study and General Fund

Hiring Student Employment

    Supervisor and Student Guide

    Your responsibility as supervisor, is to provide your new student hires the following:

  • The New Student Employee Orientation & FERPA are both you and your students responsibility to check their quiz scores. Students are required to complete this before they start working. You can access the quizzes with the student by scrolling to the end of the page, until there are two buttons visible for you to click and access.
  • Complete the Application Form with your student according to their Funding and Eligibility status.
  • Required Documents

    It is important to come prepared to your new onboarding appointment. Use this checklist to prep yourself as a new student hire:

  • Submit your Policies and Application form to us if you have not already.
  • Bring your documents. View the list of acceptable documents here. Our staff will assist you with the additional documents you have to complete( W-4, I-9 etc.) in person.
  • Note: Only original and unexpired documents will be accepted.

    Returning Student Employees

    Students who have worked previously as a student worker at Highline College fall under the Returning category. Once the student has been hired for a different position on campus, an application form, must be completed with the supervisor and sent back to our office in Building 6-164 or by email at careerandtransfer@highline.edu.

    Reminder: If there has been over a six month lapse in campus employment, we advise to follow the steps of a new onboarding student.

    • The supervisor and student(s) are required to fill out the application form for this year.
    • The student must show their class schedule(6 credit requirement for eligibility)

    For assistance with returning student employee paperwork, please contact us at careerandtransfer@highline.edu.

    New Student Employee Orientation & FERPA

    The New Student Employee Orientation is designed for student employees to enhance skills, such as, customer services, professionalism and essentials to become a successful student employee on campus. The training will also show student employees how to submit time sheets, work study policies and FERPA.

    Student Employee quizzes are required before the first day of work. Only new student hires should complete this step and work with their supervisor on its completion. 

    Background Checks

    Some volunteers may now be subject to a background check. Background checks are required for those persons who work unsupervised with students or vulnerable persons, have access to confidential information and records, have access to cash or financial and accounting information, or have unsupervised access to building and/or security information. Exceptions to the required background check apply if the volunteer is a minor, a Highline College international student without a Social Security Number, or if the student is performing an internship in conjunction with their program of study.

    Background Check for Student Employees

    Human Resources do not typically run background checks on a student employees. They are only run, in position specific circumstances and they have to be requested by the supervisor. They can not be ran for existing employees, only new. The Executive Director of Human Resources will have to review and approve the reason for the background check. For the Student Employee Health Care Information; please refer to the Information Sheet or contact Human Resources with any questions.